1. Ashlock/Phillips vs. Cocanougher/Kowal
2. Repsher/Sajovich vs. Carroll/Murray
3. Bulls/Reznik vs. Frey/Hoing
1. Dustin Phillips vs. Max Frey
2. Robert Sajovich vs. Bobby Cocanougher
3. David Ashlock vs. John Runge
4. Caleb Bulls vs. Cory Kowal
5. Shaun Maddox vs. Andrew Hoing
6. Dallas Darnell vs. Crisanto Ramirez
A really big match for both of these teams to prove that they are the best team in Texas. I think Trinity (TX) has an edge because they are playing on their home courts, but we know Tyler will fight until the end. Two outstanding #1 doubles teams will face off and I have to give the edge to Trinity (TX). I think Trinity will also win at 3 but I would expect Tyler to win at 2. Despite being the fall singles champion, I'm going to pick Phillips over Frey at #1 due to big match experience. Sajovich should give Tyler a 3-2 lead with a win at 2. Runge and Kowal have both been playing well and I think that they should win for Trinity, although junior Ashlock could give Tyler a big lead with a win at 3. I would expect the match to come down to the bottom of the lineup and I have to pick Trinity with a 5-4 win, but I'm sure everyone knows this match could go either way.